Case story from Canada; Mock Disaster Training Assistance
It is very important that Firefighters are protected from airborne toxins. This includes their training environments and with modern powerful, yet simple to use equipment, we can offer very realistic solutions that are completely safe.
Although I am lucky to still be alive to submit this brief article, being diagnosed with a primary malignant brain tumor was not the way I planned on ending my career. Today I think it is very important that firefighters be protected from airborne carcinogens in training scenarios which involve live fires, especially when there are safe alternatives.
Training Officers throughout Ontario, Canada will want a first hand demonstration of Trainer Smoke Equipment distributed by Kevin Paul, of Smoke and Screen Security Systems. Kevin is deeply committed to the safety of training environments, while providing a very realistic, non-toxic vapour for training purposes. A demonstration may be incorporated into your training scenario, for on or off site locations. The portability, lack of residue and intelligent controls, all add to the time efficiency aspects of Trainer equipment.
Fire Chief Rick Harrison, of Brock Township found Trainer equipment very useful during a recent Mock Disaster Training scenario. “Kevin provided Trainer smoke for our mock disaster setting at the Lakeview Manor Long Term Care Facility in Beaverton. Trainer equipment provides a very realistic dense smoke with a long hang time. The event went off without a hitch with the easy Trainer setup.” Chief Harrison went on to say “We were able to see the equipment demonstrated in a setting where we needed safe non-toxic smoke and Kevin was able to provide it. In fact, the quality of the smoke was such that we had trouble getting the alarms off and both firefighters and evacuees took the test very seriously.”
Every demonstration presents a different application. Training Officers and their firefighting colleagues have been very impressed by Trainer’s quick setup time and highly efficient fluid consumption. Most importantly firefighters no longer have to worry about exposure to unknown and toxic substances in training settings with the use of Trainer equipment which is poised to revolutionize the training environment across North America.